SmartHome [Help]




Hint 1

Try to go outside

Hint 1.1

Look for helpful junk mail around the front door

Hint 2

Look for clues under your router

Hint 2.1

Try to resolve an "issue with your account"

Hint 2.2

Maybe it's a billing thing

Hint 2.3

Can't pay? Dispute

Hint 3

Keep an eye out for helpful ads and text messages

Hint 4

Seek Personal Financial Education

Hint 5

Read the Helpful Commands

Hint 6

Have you seen "default" before?

Hint 6.1

Try logging out

Hint 6.2

Have you tried guessing the answer?

Hint 7

The more RAM the better

Hint 8

Maybe there's an App for that

Hint 9

Make big bucks with Premium

Hint 9.1

Buy low, sell high

Hint 9.2

Seek Personal Financial Education

Hint 10

Jean (Your AI Assistant) knows all

Things to do

A (Easy)

Make your plant happy

B (Easy)

Turn the lights on

C (Easy)

Flush the toilet

D (Easy)

Call 1-800-666-0000 for a fun time

E (Easy)

Play the RoboVac game

F (Easy)

Complete the Personal Finance Educator

G (Easy)

PhoneCast to the TV

H (Medium)

Display an NFT on the SmartFrame

I (Medium)

Reset your password

J (Medium)

Scan your phone for viruses

K (Medium)

Beat YieldFarmer2

L (Difficult)

Set up a mesh network

M (Difficult)

Pay your internet bill without opening PhoneApp

N (Difficult)

Open the Front Door

O (Very Difficult)

Scan the final QR code within 30 minutes of waking up


UX Tips